A job is so much more than a paycheck. Obviously the monthly wage one brings home is crucial but having a place to go every day benefits one’s self-esteem; bolsters social skills and can even take one’s mind off everyday worries. As such, the more people who are in gainful employment, the better for them, their families and society as a whole. Here we take a brief look at which US states offer the best employment opportunities.
GoBankingRates recently conducted a study on the best places to find a job. While nationwide the last decade has witnessed a 17+ percent growth rate, different states have varied employment growth rates. For example, Colorado seems to offer the most employment opportunities and has a five year average annual unemployment rate of only 5. 7 percent. Not only that but if you do live there, public transportation is good and improving. Private transportation is on the same page since there are now new vehicles in the market, powered by local electricity. This of course is great for the environment and supplements the state’s economic development while offering customers reduced energy costs.
Over in New Hampshire – the second best place to find a job in America right now – unemployment figures are a mere 3.2 percent and the state has added a third additional job vacancies than people seeking work. Offering some of the lowest property taxes in the nation, with a median price of a home estimated at $244,900, economics look good for people living in the state of New Hampshire.
And then there is Utah (employment growth rates of 12.5 percent for 5 years and 17.4 percent for 10) with an unemployment average of just 3.4 percent in five years. Minnesota also boasted a 10 year employment growth of 9.4 percent with one of the lowest unemployment rates nationwide.
So job seekers have quite a lot to consider. If it does seem you’re just not getting the job you need/want, check out these other states for greater success.