Samsung Electronics Co Ltd and LG Electronics Inc have recently unveiled devices, trying to keep up in the smartphone market. As an attempt to recapture their market shares, Samsung has launched two versions of its Galaxy S smartphones. They even brought in Mark Zuckerberg for a surprise appearance to show the potential of virtual reality.
LG, which has lost money in the last year from its mobile business, introduced a modular design for its new G5 smartphones. now, users can replace or upgrade functions like the camera and audio independently. It also showcased a virtual reality headset and accessories which include a drone controller to go with the G5.
As Seoul-based HDC Asset Management fund manager Park Jung-hoon said, “I think it’s possible for LG’s mobile business to recover on its new product launch, since they delivered significant changes with the G5. The Galaxy S7, however, doesn’t seem to be creating as much buzz.”
As Bob O’Donnell, president of Technalysis Research, said “The challenge you have got in the smartphone market is breaking through all that sameness. From a design and functionality perspective, everything looks and feels the same. So the challenge is finding things that stick out.”