Jobs in the Energy Industry

According to a recent US Federal investigation on jobs in the clean energy sector, the pay for this work is generally 25 percent higher than the country’s media salary.  One example is solar power versus regular fossil fuel.  Standard fossil fuel jobs pay (on average) $24.37 per hour.  The national average is $19.14 but when you work in wind/solar power the average jumps to $24.85 per hour.  Plus the accessibility is better as every single state offers fossil fuel work.

Further, those who get a job in the clean energy sector are also more likely to receive healthcare and retirement packages.  Indeed around 90% of those who work in the sector do which is 20% higher than those who work in the general private sector.

Hence it is probably no surprise that in September 2020, solar installers and turbine technicians were ranked by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics as two of America’s fastest growing occupations.