The US Economy has enjoyed expansion recently in many sectors. The two we will specifically look at here are: the Internet and beer.
In 2018, approximately 10% of America’s GDP came from the internet. $2.1 trillion money was made from this sector according to estimates from The Internet Association. This represents America’s fourth largest economic sector (1-3 being real estate, government, manufacturing). The Internet provides almost 6 million (direct) jobs – 4 percent of all of America’s jobs and 13 million (indirect) jobs. $64 billion was spent by internet companies in capital expenditures.
In 2018, according to numbers from the Brewers Association approximately $79.1 billion was contributed to the American economy by craft brewers. This translates to around 0.4 percent of America’s GDP. It is 4 percent higher than the contribution from craft brewery in 2017. The contribution from small and independent brewers was also significant with the provision of 559,545 jobs, 150,055 of which were directly from breweries.