The Face of Corporate America

Corporate America is in a great shape, at least when it comes to acquisitions, investments, and the face of its overall economy.  According to recent Federal Reserve Q2 data, non-financial companies’ liquid assets (currency, foreign deposits, money-market and mutual fund shares) reached a record of close to $2.3 trillion, marking a jump of nearly 60 percent since the middle of 2009 when the recession ended.

How does business today in the US impact this?  It is definitely evolving, today featuring many more types of businesses and companies (as well as startups). These comprise different types of executive leaderships and mission statements, as well as public organizations (interested in CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility) and community development.

We have also encountered a shift in the geopolitical business scene and all indicators point to our need to encourage democracy and diplomacy globally. This is not just for our economy though; it is also so that we don’t slip through the cracks of public policy. Things are good for the man on the street as well, with wages finally increasing and employers adding more than 2 million jobs a year.

It is absolutely not a bad time for America economically and developmentally.  Right now it is just a case of how much we’re prepared to put into our global advancement to ensure we have a presence around the world.  Because if that slips, it will negatively impact all the work we’ve done at home over the last few years.