Apple Apologizes to China

Apple Inc has recently apologized to Chinese consumers – and for good reason. Their Chief Executive Tim Cookrecently apologized after getting blasted for two weeks for their after-sales service. The government-controlled media in China has been blasting Apple for “arrogance,” saying that they are only offering a one year service warranty in China and other issues.

While Apple initially ignored the criticisms, they did finally issue an apology and pledge to overhaul their consumer practices. Cook wrote, in a letter written in Chinese on Apple’s local website, “We are aware that owing to insufficient external communication, some consider Apple’s attitude to be arrogant, inattentive or indifferent to consumer feedback. We express our sincere apologies for causing consumers any misgivings or misunderstanding.”

Revenue from Greater China totaled $7.3 billion during the first fiscal quarter this year. This number was up 60% from only one year ago. Certainly, China is important to the Apple market and Apple is keeping its eye on the area to keep it happy.

Cook admitted in his lengthy letter that Apple has “much to learn about operating and communicating in China.”