Google Investing in Adaptations to Work Environment

Over the next five years, Google is putting $1 billion into nonprofit organizations in an effort to help people adjust to the changing nature of work.  This marks Google’s largest philanthropic pledge ever.

Part of the reason Google is  making this investment is due to its sense of responsibility of its part in advancements in technology have impacted industries, reshaping them and eliminating the need for various jobs throughout America and the world.  As Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google explained:

“The nature of work is fundamentally changing. And that is shifting the link between education, training and opportunity. One-third of jobs in 2020 will require skills that aren’t common today. It’s a big problem.”

The money will be split into three main areas: education, economic opportunity and inclusion. The largest single grant — $10 million — is going to Goodwill, for the establishment of the Goodwill Digital Career Accelerator. Through this the non-profit will spend three years in an effort to provide “digital skills and career opportunities” to a million people.