The new release Avengers: Infinity Wars shot past the latest Star Wars movie, setting a new record for the highest opening weekend of all time with earnings of $250 million. It also set a new global opening record at $630 million prior to its launch in China, the second-largest movie market in the world.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens earned a close $248 million on opening weekend. Both films belong to Disney, which has seen massive success in recent years and currently owns nine out of the top ten opening weekends of all time, six of which were Marvel, including the ground-breaking Black Panther.
Disney’s head of distribution Dave Hollis said: “To have now the biggest movie of domestic history as one of the Marvel cinematic universe films seems like a fitting tribute to the Marvel Studios team which has had just an astounding, unmatched run in the last decade.”
Indeed, Marvel has released 18 movies in the last 10 years, making around $15 billion in the box office. Its newest Infinity War was an enormous enterprise, running 2 hours and 40 minutes long and shot over 18 months along with its sequel, which is due for release next summer. Response for the first installment has been extremely positive, earning an A CinemaScore from its audience and a 84% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Greg Fpster of IMAX Corp explained that Marvel’s success comes from its originality. “This isn’t something that their parents saw. This isn’t an old franchise that their parents saw when they were 20,” he said. “This is their. The Marvel universe is the group of characters that this generation owns.”