US Economy: Growth Industries

The cement industry in America seems to be faring well. One measuring tool is cement consumption and right now it has been relatively high. What’s more is that experts anticipate it will continue to grow (albeit modestly) over the next few years.  As Portland Cement Association’s Senior VP and Chief Economist Ed Sullivan pointed out:

“The economy doesn’t have the zip and the vigor that it had 10 years ago, and so what we’re seeing is the economy’s now in late stages of economic growth and recovery. That suggests that overall growth is going to start to slow, which is reflected in a slowdown in GDP numbers. It’s also reflected in our slow-down in job creation numbers.”

Sullivan added that both job creation and consumer sales numbers have not plummeted at all which is also a good indicator of stabilization and continued growth as well as an increase in home prices.

There have been some upturns in solar job industry following a dip in employment in the industry.  Employment in the solar industry jumped by 2.3 percent in 2019 and 5,600 jobs were added during the same time frame.  In addition, 31 states had an increase in solar jobs in 2019.