Government predictions are indicating that in an unprecedented move, US electricity will likely be sourced more heavily from renewable power than coal. The reasoning behind this is partly due to COVID-19 and will have significant ramifications in the fight against climate change.
This marks a substantial change from the situation of 10 years ago when coal provided almost 50 percent of America’s electricity. In addition, it is within the backdrop of the current government’s effort to help the industry by diminishing pollution regulations on coal-burning power plants.
According to the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (based on data from the US Energy Information Administration), since March 25, renewable energy sources have been manufacturing more electricity than coal power in the US. The following is a statement from the IEEFA
“The transition away from coal for electricity generation has accelerated in 2020 due to a number of factors, particularly low gas prices, warmer weather, a significant amount of new renewable capacity connecting to the grid late last year, and more recently, lower power demand from the economic slowdown because of the coronavirus.”